VIP Class Notes (Vicki)



kn -> silent k
i.e. knock, knife

mb -> silent b
i.e. lamb, plumber


a_e ->a
i.e. cake, Kate

i_e ->i
i.e. kite, knife

o_e ->o
i.e. globe, smoke

u_e ->u
i.e. cube, cute

oo -> wu
ew ->wu
eigh ->a….

s-blend sound

swing 秋千, sweat 流汗, swan 天鹅, sweater 毛衣, swamp 沼泽, sweep 扫地
The swan swims in the swamp.

-st (sd)
sting 叮咬, stem 花茎, storm 风暴, stain 污渍, stew 炖, stool 小板凳
I sit on the stool and stir 搅拌 the stew.

-sp (sb)
spy 间谍, spoon 勺子, space 宇宙, sports 运动, spill 打翻, spot 点
Milk spills off my spoon.

sneeze 打喷嚏, snore 打呼, snack 零食, snail 蜗牛, snake 蛇, snow 雪
The snake eats a snack.

smile 微笑, smore 巧克力棉花糖夹心饼, smart 聪明, smell 闻, smoke 烟, small 小
The small girl smiles at me.

-sk (sg)
ski 滑雪, sky 天空, skate 溜冰, skunk 臭鼬, skip 蹦跳, skirt 半截裙
I skip and skate to school.

-sc (sg)
scarf 围巾, scoop 冰激凌球, scuba 浮潜, scale 称, scooter 滑板车, scab 结疤
I fell off my scooter and got a scab on my arm.

sleeve 袖子, sleigh 雪橇, slipper 拖鞋, slice 一片, sleep 睡觉, slide 滑滑梯
I slide off my slippers and go to sleep.