VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

no people have a grass wedding —> no one wants to have their wedding outdoors

after a few days —> a few days ago

my own of the gym —> the owner of my gym

how much money does it cost to raise a child until he/she goes to university


outdoors: 室外

indoors: 室内

body complex

severe: 严重的

as I grew older: 当我长大了。。。

compliment: 夸赞

words of encouragement: 鼓励的话语

owner: 老板

proactively: 积极的

unethical: 不道德的

ethical: 道德的

coworker/colleague: 同事

A lot of people fell into the same trap: 掉进了同一个陷阱

niece: 侄女

elementary school: 小学


unethical: un-eh-thi-kle


Write about what you think is best in the Japanese education system.