VIP Class Notes (Tibo)

Today we focused on:

practice first call with experts

Next Class Focus

more practice on intro and potential questions


look at the script and divide it into bullet points so that you can feel more natural when talking on the phone

Speaking exercise

you need to do a covid test 3 days in advance / 3 days before departure

and in when you are there you need to do it once every 3 days

I wanted to go skiing but they cannot let me in because I need to stay there more than 14 days

how to ask them more polite or more professional -> how to ask them more politely / in a polite way  or in a more professional way

how many potential for this industry? -> how much potential does this industry have? / how much potential do you think this industry has?

would you mind if I ask you a few questions ? … because I need to ….

they very interested for the bakery industry -> they are very interested in the bakery industry  / they mostly want to know about the bakery industry

what I saw the linkedin information -> from what I saw on your linkedin / looking at your profile on linkedin it reads that you are/were ….

did you try to do this consultation by phone before -> Have ever done a phone consultation before?

I will introduce you the topic -> I will introduce the topic to you

the first time to cooperate with us / our first cooperation

let me to make sure …-> let me make sure …/ I just want to double-check …

the meat something like that -> we also have clients looking for information on the meat business / let me fill in your information

we want to know what is your responsible in the bakery department? -> I would like to know about your responsibility in the bakery department / could you please tell me what you were responsible for ?

are you manage the supply chain or doing marketing -> were you managing  the supply chain or the marketing part.

if you were in charge for the supply chain you must to -> if you were in charge of the supply chain, I guess you also .… / does that mean you also ….?

if they ask you the how much you doing the business?  -> if they ask you about the size of the orders / the total amount of the orders , would that be ok? / would you be comfortable discussing the size of the order or total amount? / is it ok if they ask about some data?

usually our consultation during 1h or 1.5h -> usually our consultations last between 1 and 1.5h

what you time could arrange the consultation -> what would be a good time for a consultation? what time would you usually be available for a phone call?

they would like to discuss the market situation and future trends.

what was the growth rate for your company last year?


growth rate (n): % of growth
The bakery industry has been growing at an average growth rate of 77% per year over the last 5 years.
the industry grew by 1% last year

to contract (v) to shrink / to become smaller
the hotel industry contracted by 20% last year because of the virus

to refuse / reject (v) : to say no to
I refuse to answer

to approve (v) say yes to
My leave was approved

politely (adv)

polite (adj)


present perfect continuous  (still continuing )
I have been working in thirdbrige for a year

amount of times / time range
I usually go to Beijing twice a year
We have deliveries 3 times a week



