VIP Class Notes (Mike)


device (n) 

apparatus (n) 

messy = in a mess =unorganized

chaos (n) 混乱 

chaotic (adj) 混乱的
i.e The situation in Afghanistan was chaotic.

PDA: public display of affection

tease (v) to make fun of sb in a friendly way/manner
i.e Stop teasing me! I am getting sick of it.

methodology (n) 方法的

taliban (n) 塔利班

understanding (adj) 善解人意的,理解的
i.e I had a really understanding teacher when I was in college.

struggling (adj) 

thriving (v)

leave out (v) 忽略 = ignore

trait /characteristics (n) 

vicious cycle
i.e to fall into a vicious cycle 

say good things about sb

practical (adj) 实用的


effect: the result of sth

affect : impact, influence

affection: a romantic relationship

Speaking exercise

she is really patient with us and she also will share some really experiences on her work.
she was really patient with us and she also will share her work experiences.