VIP Class Notes (Mike)

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Connecting words


hassle (n/v) trouble,
i.e Getting visa renewal is always a hassle in China.
i.e I hassled to get here/Stop hassling me, you are crossing the line!

! :exclamation mark/point!

broccoli 西兰花

cauliflower 花椰菜,花菜 (白色)

lettuce 生菜

beet 甜菜

pepper 甜椒

chilli/spicy pepper 辣椒

radish 红萝卜

celery 芹菜

Chinese chives 韭菜

spinach 菠菜

water spinach 空心菜

leek 大葱

asparagus 芦笋

garlic 大蒜

sweet potato 红薯

green scallion

white gourd 冬瓜

bamboo shoots 

seasoning (n) ingredients that add flavor to food.

steaks : 

blue rare 近生牛排

rare 一分熟

medium rare 三分熟

medium 五分

medium well 七分

well done 全熟


anthropology (n) the study of human groups and cultures.

intellectual (adj/n)
i.e I like having ~ conversations with you.

the humanities

overlap (v)
i.e Math and physics have overlapping parts.

inter disciplinary  


