VIP Class Notes (Li)


assign – to give someone a job or a duty

ex. I need to assign students to each activity.

nominate – to choose someone as a candidate for a job

ex. He was nominated to lead the team for this activity.

easygoing – relaxed and easy to get along with

ex. My classmate is quite easygoing.

single-player – one person

multi-player – many people

ex. single-player game

Speaking exercise

For example, the festival for sports, we need to put someone take part in sports competition.

For the sports festival, we need to assign people to take part in the sports activities.

It’s also the same for science and arts

Our classmates is very negative of these festivals

Our classmates are very negative about these festivals.

Just because our class is much more negative than other class.

Just because our class is much more negative than other classes.

The school let us send in the names of the students/the student list  

The only two boy say we can play it, they want to have the competition they want four person play

The only two boys that agreed to it wanted to have four people in the game.

If I push them they would resist even more 


diablo -d-ah-blow