Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

anesthetic – ma yao
eg. the medicine that the dentist wants to give MB is anesthetic


the man is proposing to the girl – asking her to marry him

diamond ring

awkward / embarrassed – gan ga

alarm clock – nao zhong
eg. the alarm clock goes off = starts ringing

15 percent = 15 out of 100
75 percent = 75 out of 100

drive / drove / driven 

I felt car sick

Speaking exercise

Once upon a time, a person named MB walks along the path and he sees a man who is kneeling down and proposing to a girl. Then MB walks by and he feels awkward so he talk his teddy “look at the ducks, it’s so beautiful, let’s take one and eat it!!”. The man sees MB and asks him “can you help us to take a photo?”. MB says “oh of course”. He takes the phone and he doesn’t know how to use it. He says to the man this is a phone! Then the man says “oh here” and he clicks a button on his phone and the camera page opens and MB takes the photo of them. He keeps on taking photo of his teddy. Suddenly, the alarm goes off and the man says “never mind just click it”. The girl says “time to work” and then they kiss and MB sees a game and plays with it and the man says “stop playing that, give me back.” and he opens the music and MB dances.