Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30] [70]

Speaking exercise

He chooses one of the doors and walks through it into a big cavern with a castle in the distance and then he went through a tunnel that I don’t know where the exit it, but it is probably in the castle and finally into a room with a pillar and from behind the pillar emerges a person that looks like a caveman with a teddy bear in his hand and all the clues lead to him being part of the LB family and he is LB himself who looks like a caveman. Then they get out of there and when I think they have gotten out of the tunnel and into the dungeon, MB finally sees the trail that he has left by his dripping candle and they follow it out of the maze of tunnels, C, D, into the old castle of the LB family that doesn’t look to be civilized and is absolutely rundown with a RD car, and a kitchen that needs to be RD, and a broken piano inside. Then the old woman when she sees the real LB runs up and shouts at him and says he must be an imposter with the butler looking angry too. By the butler there is a crossbow on the wall with an arrow in it and MB is going to be a ghost.