VIP Class Notes (JJ)


bucket list: a list of all things you want to do

admire: 崇拜

fictional character: 虚拟人物

comedy: 喜剧片

ice cream flavor: 冰淇凌口味

flavor: 口味

cartoon: 卡通,动画片

night person: 夜猫子

annoy: 讨厌,惹怒

Ex: Jason is annoyed by the sound of nails scratching the blackboard.

playful: 爱玩的

trade: 交换

Ex:Jason wants to trade lives with his mom.

Talk in your sleep: 说梦话

movie quote: 电影名说辞

invisible: 隐形的

own: 拥有

truth or dare: 真心话大冒险

to run low: 快用完的

crash: 坠毁

liquid: 液体

haircut: 剪头发

hideout: 躲藏的地方