F2F Class Notes (Tibo)

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role-play about situations that could happen while in the UK
+ presentation


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Speaking exercise

some airlines will cancel the flights
I will stay there half a year it depends on the master.
Actually I just decided this thing just 2 weeks ago but I think I need to go there to have a look.
I need to stay at home for 10 days .

It is not like china so serious it is more free  / lenient / not as strict as in China

I also have a lot of group assignments and I also told you I stopped exercising. I have no time.

she told me that when she exercises she feels netter and she doesn’t need to take some medicine
Maybe exercise has some relationship with emotions or mental health

some people have some genes problems. They will tend to have depression diseases.
I think nutrients totally affect mental health.
If your diet lacks nutrients you will tend to have diseases because some vitamins can support your energy.

In Manchester I will get my first degree. It is also like data analysis. it is another area like WHO.

I was not satisfied but now I feel I am lucky

some airlines will cancel the flights / I plan to go there next month but I am not sure when because it is hard to find a flight …
I will stay there half a year it depends on the master. / it depends if I get the possibility to do another master in London.”Actually I just decided this thing just 2 weeks ago but I think I need to go there to have a look.
I need to stay at home for 10 days / I will need to stay in quarantine for 10 days

It is not as serious as in China it is more free  / lenient / not as strict as in China

I also have a lot of group assignments and I also told you I stopped exercising. I have no time.

she told me that when she exercises she feels better and she doesn’t need to take some medicine
Maybe exercising has some relationship with emotions or mental health

some people have some genetic problems. They will tend to have depression diseases. / they are more likely to suffer from a depression
I think nutrients totally affect mental health.  / have an influence on mental health
If your diet lacks nutrients you will tend to have diseases because some vitamins can support your energy. / good nutrition will bring you more energy.

In Manchester I will get my first degree. It is also like data analysis. it is another area like WHO.


probability of having a disease 
If you eat fruits your probability of having cancer decreases

genes (n) DNA
It is in our genes

genetic (adj)
It is a genetic problem

depression (n) the disease of having severe self doubt
She suffered from a depression when she was young

lenient (adj) : not strict 宽松的
they also have measures because of Covid but it is more lenient than in China

temper (n)
He lost his temper and got angry

mood (n)
We are not in a good mood

short temper (n) : easy to get angry
Tom has a short temper

to amplify (v) : to make stronger / increase the volume / make something stronger
It amplifies our mood swings