VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

This firm forces you to overtime —> This firm forces you to work overtime

That’s the most weird thing —> That’s the weirdest thing

from his seat —> from his desk

I texted to everyone —> I sent a text to everyone/I texted everyone

she’s the same age with me —> she’s the same age as me

she joins in this company since graduation —> she joined this company when she graduated/she has been with this company since she graduated

major job —> main job

he married with a Chinese woman —> he married a Chinese woman/he got married to a Chinese woman


pump breast milk: 挤奶

Shanghai native: 本土上海人

Chinese fast food restaurants: 小饭店

cash: 现金

savings: 存款

sketchy: 不正派,很诡异

to be entitled: 有优越感的

Ex: Amanda’s coworker seems very entitled.

what goes around comes around: 风水轮着转

receptionist: 前台

birds of the same feather flock together: 物以类聚