F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

sleep til the noon —> they can sleep in til noon

2.5 hours —> two and a half hours

if they know later —> if they find out/discover later

I don’t that believe —-> I don’t believe in it that much


touristic attraction:景点

resort: 度假区

botanical garden: 植物园

itinerary: 行程

to sleep in: 睡懒觉

mistress: 情妇

maid: 保姆

what goes around comes around: 风水轮着转

to be superstitious: 相信迷信的

Ex: Many Chinese people are very superstitious and won’t buy houses where people have died inside.

superstition: 迷信

Ex: There are lots of superstitions in each culture.

mold: 霉


record (数据): r哎-kerd