F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

tired —> drowsiness


side effects: 副作用

nausea: 恶心

drowsiness: 昏昏沉沉的状态

cubicle: 隔间

broth: 汤头

add: 添加


appetising: 口味很好的, 看上去很好吃

Ex: Dee thinks that Luo Si Fen looks appetising but tastes like feet.

fly: 苍蝇

to save face: to avoid any embarrassment

to take someone’s breath away: when you are very impressed and attracted to someone


chrome: 颜色

mono: one

monotone: only has one sound, makes one fall asleep

monogamous: someone who commits to monogamy

monogamy: a relationship/marriage where each partner is committed to the other person

polygamy: a relationship/marriage where each partner is also seeing other people

polygamous: someone who commits to polygamy

poly: 多数的

duo: two

du: two