VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

I took 2 more days leave during this Labor Day holiday in order to go back Wuhan to visit my parents which was my hometown.

I spent 5 days to stay in Wuhan and had a wonderful holiday there. Since last time I saw my parents, it had already been more than one year. I missed them very much. I left them when I came to Shanghai to go to the university. After I graduated from the university, I chose to work in Shanghai. So I don’t have much chance to stay with my parents. Usually I see them once or twice a year. It’s cherished when I visit them every time.

In first two days, my nephew also went back to my parents home. So he was the super star in the big family. All the adults was focused on him. What he liked to eat? Where he wanted to go to? Why he wasn’t happy?Took care and hung out with him whole day, that could be exhausted. He had a very good appetite, can’t stop eating. He ate food very fast as if the food just jumped into his throat directly. WOW! How Magic! If there was his favorite food, he didn’t allow others to eat. All were his, he ate all up. I think my parents over spoil him, and it’s bad for shaping his personality. Kids education is a big problem in China.

I took 2 more days leave during this Labor Day holiday in order to go back to Wuhan, which was my hometown, to visit my parents.

I spent 5 days in Wuhan and had a wonderful holiday there. Since last time I saw my parents, it had already been more than one year so I missed them very much. I left them when I came to Shanghai to go to university. After I graduated (from university), I chose to work in Shanghai so I don’t have much chance to stay with my parents. Usually I see them once or twice a year so I really cherish our time together.

In the first two days, my nephew also went back to my parents home so he was the super star in the big family. All the adults were focused on him. What he liked to eat? Where he wanted to go? Why he wasn’t happy? Taking care and hanging out with him the whole day / all day was exhausting. He had a very good appetite, and can’t stop eating. He ate food very fast as if the food just jumped into his throat directly. WOW! How magical! If he noticed there was some of his favorite food, he didn’t allow others to eat it…all of it was his and he ate it all up. I think my parents spoil him, and it’s bad for shaping his personality / it will shape his personality in the wrong way / it will affect his development / it will influence him really negatively. Early education / the education system is a big problem in China.


have the right to get a discount – he thinks he should get a discount / he deserves a discount / he is entitled to get a discount

it was risky / there was some risk 

conservative – con SER vah tiv

discriminate against old people – to treat old people worse than others