VIP Class Notes (Ally)


rarely: 很少地; 很少; 罕有; 不常 hardly (adv)
ie. I hardly/rarely see you anymore.

restaurant/hotel chains

resort: 度假胜地; 旅游胜地;

reservation: 保留地,专用地\ for general use

inherited: 继承(金钱、财产等); 经遗传获得(品质、身体特征等); 接替(责任等); 继任 from someone else
ie. Your children inherited your hair.

conservation area: birds conservation area , for nature

athletes: sports people

tidy: 整齐的; 整洁的

bachelors: ben ke

stepping stone: (小溪、小河中的)踏脚石; 进身之阶; 垫脚石; 敲门砖

interpersonal skills + communication skills

modest/humble: 谦虚

wise:充满智慧的; 明智的; 英明的; 明察善断的; 高明的; 有判断力的 <> smart

inexperienced <> experienced

rollerblade: 直排滚轴旱冰鞋; 直排轮鞋

disown: 与…断绝关系

temper: pi qi

conflict resolution: 冲突的解决


haven’t – do not use it too much – does not mean “don’t have”
ie. I don’t have any expectations.
ie. I haven’t been there before. – past perfect

day off = day off (from company/work) = when you don’t have to go to work
ie. Mondays are my day off.
ie. I have a day off on Friday cuz it’s New Years.

OOO = out of office

Speaking exercise

From my home to CM
It takes one hour from my home to CM island by car. (it takes…)
I spend one hour …  (somebody spend..)

I haven’t expectations …
I don’t have expectations.

I drink less alcohol/wine/liquor usually.
I usually don’t drink a lot of alcohol/wine/liquor.

There are less people went to the reservation because of the policy’s limited.
There aren’t a lot of/are only a few people at the reservation because of the policy’s limitations/the limitation of tickets/tickets are limited.

The birds don’t scare (v) people.
The people don’t scare(v) the birds.
The birds are not afraid/scared (adj) of the people.

I have just communicated with Lily, who has suggested (v) ….
Lily, who is a girl, talked to me.

You can’t leave SH.

There are few residents.
There aren’t a lot of residents.

There aren’t a lot of pages in the book.
The book is very short.

no wrong
that’s right/that’s it

Reflection/Recap of the past year and NY’s resolutions

Use up all his energy.

I would yell at him.