VIP Class Notes (Mike)


alarm (n) 闹钟,闹铃,警报

frequently (adv.) = often 频繁的,经常的

detective (n) 侦探

salmon 三文鱼

seafood 海鲜

shrimp 虾
oyster 蚝
eel 鳗鱼
tuna 金枪鱼

bubble tea 奶茶

snack (n) 零食

history (n) 历史
historical (adj.) 历史的

dull = tedious  单调的,缺乏趣味的,无趣的,枯燥的

board (n) 板子
blackboard 黑板

desert (n) 沙漠
dessert (n) 甜品

parachute (n) 降落伞

shovel (n) 铲子

dig (v) 挖
Dig a hole 挖洞

trade (v) 贸易,交易

skeleton (n) 白骨,骨骼,骨架

prank (n) 恶作剧

cactus (n) 仙人掌


ed 形容词:形容人的感受,主语只能是人

ing形容词: 主语可以是人或物

Speaking exercise

It is not health.
It is not healthy.
It is unhealthy. 

This bubble tea from my friend.
This bubble tea came from my friend.
My friend gave me this bubble tea.

That‘s at all.
That’s all. 

spider net
spider webs 

After a lot of time,
After a long time.

He take the gold up
He picked it up.