VIP Class Notes 17th April (Jesse)
make your ideas connect to other ideas with grammar. ask yourself questions: who, why, when, how, where, ….
Useful phrases:
what do you mean?
what does ____ mean?
sorry, I don’t understand.
sorry, could you say that again?
how do you say ____?
book / reserve / order
book / reserve a table
book a class
order a phone
book / reserve a teacher
book a flight
order some food
client / customer
come – always use with the place you are at now.
go – use with other places
for / to / because / because of
for + noun
eg. I bought a cake for myself.
to + verb
eg. I bought a cake to celebrate my birthday.
because + sentence
eg. I bought a cake because today is my birthday.
because of + noun / phrase
eg. I bought a cake because of my birthday.
and then / after that
i have / there are
to japan / in japan
i will travel to japan
i will travel in japan / i will travel around japan
I talk to you – arrive
I talk with you – together
I talk at you – direction
I go to Japan – arrive
I play with you – together
I look at you – direction
Speaking exercise
when i opened my door it was raining cats and dogs and it continued for a long time, but it stopped when I had lunch around 11:30.
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