Open+Review 5th November (Selma)


Rash (n) – a skin condition where skin is inflamed, irritated, and usually red and itchy

e.g. Last week, I had a terrible rash on my hand.

to scratch (v) – to rub your fingers against your skin in order to stop the itching

e.g. Lina was trying hard not to scratch herself during today’s class.

take a sick leave  – calling in sick


didn’t have never  heard something like that.

writing exercise

For the last few days, I was sick. On the first day / in the beginning I can’t couldn’t even get up from out of my bed, so I slept till 3 p.m. Actually it‘s was a work day, and I dreamed that I was calling in sick to my boss. It was so real that I couldn’t tell whether I did the call or not, and the more interesting thing was that I could see my face when I look down because it was so swollen. I got had small balloons on my face and got had a rash all over my body. Then I realized I might be got having a fever as well ,and that I can’t shouldn’t  hang on stay at home.