Open F2F Class Notes 9th November (Raph)


Reflect (v): (of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it. 2- think deeply or carefully about.
E.g.: He sat down and reflected about his life.

Think (v): 1- to form or have (a particular thought) in your mind
E.g.: I stopped and thought about it for a while.

Lightbulb (n): 1- an electric lamp
E.g.: Before the lightbulb, people did not do much at night because it was dark.

Tubular (adj): 1- having the form of a tube.
E.g.: A tubular lightbulb.

React (v): 1- to behave or change in a particular way when something happens, is said, etc.
E.g.: He didn’t react well to the news.

Cave (n): 1- a large hole that was formed by natural processes in the side of a cliff or hill or under the ground
E.g.: They went in and explored the cave.



As the Double 11 holiday will come, we are busy on picking the good and cheaper products on some shopping websites. To get/achieve the better sales, the offline stores also have some promotion activities. After lunch during these days, my colleagues and I went to the mall to select products. Once we picked the products we liked, we would looked for them on Taobao and then compared the price between the mall and Taobao.


As the Double 11 holiday approaches, we are busy picking the good and cheaper products on some online shopping websites. To achieve better sales, offline stores also have some promotions, so after lunch during the past few days, my colleagues and I went to the mall to select products. Once we picked the products we liked, we would look for them on Taobao and compare online and offline prices.