F2F Class Notes 10th November (Ben) [1]
Pirates of the Caribbean
a pirate
A pirate is someone who robs boats.
an island 岛屿
Ben comes from an island in the Caribbean.
a colony 殖民地
I’m a simple girl.
Many girls use make-up to stay young.
sore = painful 疼
I have a sore throat because I sang all night.
a cover 罩子
There is a lot of cold wind when you drive a scooter. It’s better to use a cover
connect 链接
With a phone, you can connect to the Internet.
If you use a cover, your hands omet
passenger 乘客
gate 门
(At the airport) All passengers to Beijing, please go to gate 11.
stairs 楼梯
The lift was too slow so I took the stairs
slippery 滑
Something slippery makes you slip
I slipped on the slippery floor.
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