Open F2F Class Notes 7th November (Tanya)


treadmill – a machine you can run on

e.g. Lina has a a treadmill and she runs on it every day.

component – a part of something (material)

e.g. In Legoland, all the lego buildings are built out of different lego components.

baffled – very surprised

e.g. Tanya was baffled when Lina told her she’s 30. She couldn’t believe it

to commute – to travel from home to work

e.g. Lina’s commute is only 20 minutes, so she lives very close to her work.

bizarre – very strange

e.g. It’s bizarre to me that some bars in Paris charge 7 kuai for the bathroom.

suburb – an outlying, residential area of a city

e.g. Tanya lives in Baoshan, which is basically a suburb of Shanghai.

influx – the arrival of a large number of people or things

e.g. Europe has become used to the influx of Chinese tourists during big Chinese holidays.

subtle – not obvious

e.g. Miya has a Givenchy bag, but the logo is very subtle, so you can’t tell what brand the bag is.


I have some friends that have been to that place – I have some friends who have been to that place

Prepare the visa for European country – Prepare the visa for European countries 

I don’t want to spend too many time on shopping – I don’t want to spend too much time shopping