Open F2F Class Notes 3rd December (Selma)


Speaking exercise

From a very young age. 

His daughter is pretty sick very/quite/really ill. He wants to ask people to donate for his daughter. = He is asking for donations for his daughter.

to share with someone

Writing exercise

A Scam

A story of a father asking for donations for his daughter, who got cancer, has gone viral on social media. It turned out a scam at after all. The father is a CEO of an advertising company, and he has three apartments and two vehicles. He can totally pay the bill by himself. Also, the bill of for her daughter’ illness’ treatment is not such an incredible big deal. The national medical insurance paid for most of the bill. All he did is for prompting advertise a financial company, which asked him to write this article and promised if one person shares this article, it will donate one yuan. = to give one yuan for every share.

However, when people figured out that they were cheated by this horrible father, the number of donations had (already) reached 2.6million yuan. But if the money that was promised by that financial company was really donated, is still remaining unclear.

We should all calm down and try to tell apart the truth and scam when this kind of thing happens again.


a scam (n) – when somebody is trying to cheat or lie about something

e.g. His act was a scam – he didn’t actually need the money.

a fraud (n) – attempting to achieve a goal by illegal or unethical means, people would not approve of this action

e.g. Bank giving away money was actually a fraud.

to give away (v) –  to give something without asking for anything in return

e.g. Celebrities always give away money to poor people.

empathy (n) – a feeling of understanding what the other person is going through

e.g. It is the empathy that made people donate so much money.