Open F2F Class Notes 27th July (Harmony)

I download a news about our industry I downloaded a piece of news/ an article..

Paragraph (pair – ah – graph)

PR:  public relations

PR Specialist:  a person who is a specialist at PR.


Fraught (frahT)

Bureau (byoor – oh):  a department

Reporters and correspondent’s x 5.3 = PR specialists

There are waaaaaaay more pr specialists than there are reporters and correspondents.

Figures:  numbers (basic meaning)

“go a long way to”:  help us understand/helps us

Eg.  Getting enough experience goes a long way towards getting a good job.

These two numbers:

# of reports and correspondents

# of PR specialists

** they don’t give specific numbers yet.

Competing interests: you both want something different.

Reports and correspondents:  they want to report news that is good or bad.


PR Specialists:  They want to report news that makes their client look good.

Damon:  wants to eat healthy and lose weight.

Chen:  wants to eat whatever he wants and feeling full.

Pro:  short for professional.

Eg.  I’m a pro at baseball.

Pro: (adverb) you support sth.

Eg.  I am pro meat.

Aggressive:  有进取心的  assertive/ energetic/ pushing for what you want.  (negative tone)

Eg.  We need an aggressive marketing plan to get this product launched.

Assertive:  demanding what you want/ working hard for what you want (positive)

Eg.  We need to be assertive to get our clients.

Rankle:  to cause irritation./bugs/bothers/upsets.

Need (noun):  an obligation/requirement/duty.