F2F Class Notes 27th July (Harmony)



Hi Tom,Expect salary issue, Tony would like to have a senior manager title in the further company.Both of them we can not provide to him. It’s better we can show the picture of our develop opportunity.Anything I can do please let me know.


Hi Tom,

Besides the salary issue, Tony would like to have a senior manager title in his next company.  Both of those, which we offered, cannot meet his expectations. I think it would be better if we could show the picture of our development opportunities to him.

Anything I can do please let me know.


Harmony Edited:

Besides the salary issue, Tony would also like to have a senior manager title in his next company.

It would be good if we could share with him our development opportunities for him.

Would:  used to express the future in past sentences.

Used in place of will, to make it a question or less direct.  (more soft)

Eg.  Would you approve it?

Eg.  Would you please pass the salt?

Used to express repeated actions.

Eg.  He would go to the park every day.


  1. my mother would like me to get married.

Eg.  My husband would like me to cook dinner.

Eg.  I think you should/ I think we will (very direct.)

Eg.  I think it would be good if… (less direct)

In the phone – on the phone

Thank you for your follow up, I hope I can reply to you right now but I haven’t received any final result yet.  I will let you know the further information when I receive it.

Keep in touch.


Thank you for following up, I wish I could reply to you right now but I haven’t received any final results yet.  I will let you know further information when I receive it.

Keep in touch.

Wish:  things we desire, but are opposite of current reality.

Eg.  I wish I had been born a boy.

Hope:  things we want in the future, which are possible.

Eg.  I hope you stay beautiful forever.

Any:  plural

A:  singular

Eg.  A final result.

Eg.  Any final results.

I would to get new information – I will to getI will get new information…


Eg.  I would like to get new information from my candidates. (intention)

Eg.  I will get new information from my candidates (for sure/ it’s going to happen)

Eg.  I would like to apply for this title/ this salary for this candidate.

Eg.  I would like you to look at this application for…….

Eg.  I will send you an application for… (set/ for sure/future)

Eg.  Can you look at this application?  (direct)

Eg.  Could you look at this application? (soft)


It’s a sunny shine it’s a sunny day.

Eg. I’m enjoying the sunshine.

There is a few rain in Shanghai recentlythere hasn’t been a lot/much rain recently


Eg.  It hasn’t rained very much lately.

The weather is hot/cold.

It’s sunny outside/ it’s raining outside.

It’s raining a lot!  “It’s raining cats and dogs!”:  it’s pouring/heavy rain.