Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]


and it = which
eg. he saw the poster and it looked like MB
eg2. he saw the poster which looked like MB


prisoner – “pri zen ner”

prison cell – a small room in a prison

head prisoner / prisoner boss

mashed potato – tu dou ni

Writing exercise

One sunny morning MB woke. Meanwhile the YD bad MB was hiding under MB’s bed. He saw the poster and it looked like MB and it said WANTED. When he saw the poster he was wondering why. He went by the poster and MB said goyd. Then he said Khjweiruiotojoishjglksjegse. Meanwhile the YD bad MB saw them. He hid behind the wall. Then MB’s clothes fell off. He wears the prisoner’s clothes and ….

One sunny morning MB woke. Meanwhile the YD bad MB was hiding under MB’s bed. He saw the poster and it looked like MB and it said WANTED. When he saw the poster he was wondering why. He went up to / over to the poster and MB said goyd. Then he spoke gobbledigook / gibberish. Meanwhile the YD bad MB saw them. He hid behind the wall. Then MB’s clothes fell open and he wears the prisoner’s clothes and ….

Speaking exercise

The police realise that MB was wearing the prisoner’s clothes so they took MB to jail. Meanwhile the YD bad MB took the poster off and he went inside but then he saw the cat who was meowing. The prisoner did not want the cat meowing so he kicked the cat off the stairs and onto the road. Following that the truck dumped some rocks on the garden. Meanwhile, someone took him to jail and MB saw a lot of silly prisoners who were shouting from their cells. MB passed the boss and he saw the boss watching TV with a smaller prisoner watching TV also.