Online Class Notes (Jesse)


salute – sir yes sir! – put your hand up to your head and back down

delete it 

gavel – “order order! order in the court!!”

offer you a trade / make a deal 

TV antenna

Speaking exercise

After a night of sawing with the comb he finally was exhausted and the guard suddenly opened the door and MB quickly hid the comb behind him. The guard walked inside and commanded him to clean up. MB did a salute while the guard was examining MB’s drawing. MB spotted the key and suddenly had an idea. He quickly grabbed his mashed potato teddy and made an imprint of the key. When the guard turned back MB was standing innocently there smiling at him. The guard grunted and opened the door before going out, stomping away in a huff. MB could still hear his growling and huffing. He pulls out Teddy ee and aand grabbed the shards of glass that was broken on the floor and used the comb to start shaving the glass into the same shape as the imprint he made. After a long time he finally made a copy. While MB was busying himself in the jail, the prisoner’s luck is running out. MW was sitting on her chair with a blueprint beside her her. MB’s doppelganger was pushing the rocks onto a mud hill with MW yelling at him and hitting a hammer on the table. MB’s doppelganger sighed and hauled another rock onto the hill. At the same time, Mr Bean bean was praying to god that his copy was alright and he put the key in the lock and “click” went the lock and MB was out!!!

After a night of sawing with the comb he finally was exhausted and all of a sudden / out of the blue the guard opened the door and MB quickly / urgently hid the comb behind him. The guard stomped inside and commanded him to clean up in a stern tone. MB did a salute while the guard was examining MB’s drawing which was on the wall of the cell. MB spotted the key on the prison guard’s back pocket / belt and suddenly had an idea. He quickly grabbed his mashed potato teddy and made an imprint of the key. When the guard turned back MB was standing innocently there smiling at him. The guard grunted and opened the door before going out, stomping away in a huff. Even after a few moments, MB could still hear his growling and huffing. He pulls out Teddy ee and aand grabbed the shards of glass that was broken on the floor and used the comb to start shaving the glass into the same shape as the imprint he made (previously). After a long time he finally made a copy and while MB was busying himself in the jail, the prisoner’s luck was running out. MW was sitting on her chair with a blueprint beside her her. MB’s doppelganger was pushing the rocks onto a mud hill with MW yelling at him and hitting her cup on the table with a loud bang. MB’s doppelganger sighed and hauled another rock onto the hill. At the same time, Mr Bean bean was praying to god that his copy was alright and he put the key in the lock and “click” went the lock and MB was out!!!