Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Mr fox page 11


score – fen shu
eg. I got a high score on the exam

2 students are equal first

a little thing – 1 small thing
a few things – 2 or 3 things

crown – a king / queen’s hat

pass out 
eg. Mr Bean passes out when he sees the crown

a dog’s sense of smell

shotgun – a type of gun


when the fox going out we will kill it – when the fox goes out we will kill him

I think notI don’t think so 

when I’m 4 years old I go to disneyland – when I was 4 years old I went to disneyland

Speaking exercise

There is anything and when he sees “ohh mr bean is there” and he is very angry, he shouts arghh how can you escape. And Mr Bean says look this is the magpie, and this is the handcuffs, and this is your key, the magpie is taking your key away. Then the magpie flies away again.

Mr Bean shows that the magpie take the policeofficers keys away so he can escape and he didn’t do anything, the Magpie did everything.