F2F Class Notes (Mike)


What are the signs of a mature person?


expose (v) – exposure (n) 暴露
Don’t expose yourself to the sun for too long, otherwise you might get a sunburn

purchasing power

low-end (adj.) 低端的

high-end (adj.)高端的

awkward (adj.) 
Sb/some situation/moment is ~
He said something really bad about the company,  and his boss happened to heard it, it was a ~ moment.
My friend is an awkward person.

embarrass (v) to make sb feel awkward
Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question.
It is embarrassing that our streets are so dirty.

carpentry (n) 木工

carpenter (n)木匠

barn (n) 谷仓

hay (n) 干草

manual (n) 手册= instruction book

lust (n) 
lust, caution

lure (n) 诱惑 – luring
These crabs look so luring.

fame (n) 声望
reputation (n) 声誉




Speaking exercise

our spring is import from oversea
our springs are imported from overseas