Group Class Notes 11th April (Jesse)
Today I went to an exhibition, and it showed many kinds of food,beverage and hotel supplies. The exhibition was in the Guo Zhan Road, Pudong District , Shanghai. It was so big that I spent 5 hours going around to see all of it, even though there were small buses taking the attendees around to different exhibition rooms. I bought some bowls and cups at a low price, and I felt satisfied.
The most important aim for this activity was to get some information about the enterprises’ insurance inquires. I didn’t do it well because today was the last day and the company’s workers were busy packing all the objects up. I felt a little sad, but I also felt happy as I bought the cheap belongings. In general, this activity is meaningful and I hope I can attend different exhibitions in (the) future.
activity – ack tiv i tee
cheap – “cheep”
worker – “werker”
was – “woz”
wo zit good?
all of it – “or lov it” Â
people – pee pa l
people are good
will you –
boysare funnyÂ
he is goodÂ
theyare goodÂ
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