F2F Class Notes (Tony)


he spent all that time just for a 2 hour meeting

rent it to a couple

too much work

it depends if the weather is good,   it depends on the weather

fill out my tax forms

50 percent discount

figurehead – a leader with no real power

strings attached – some additional hidden terms to an agreement

eg: He sold me the car for 100 dollars and no strings attached, it was a great deal.

eg: I got the job, but with some strings attached, they need me to work weekends in Tokyo.

under the table – payment for a job without filing taxes, pay cash directly

eg: It’s cheaper to hire a cleaner under the table.


I have 2 meetings

I have 10 Euros

Use a # as an ADJ.

Use singular form of the Noun.

a five dollar meal.

a ten Euro taxi ride

a 6 person car

a 40 minute class

a five dollar

a small, sweet 5 dollar coffee

My friends and I :  The only “Correct” Grammar.


hour – Our

Gyro – Hero

Euro – Ur-O