F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Are you pregnant too?

No, I’m not  pregnant.

Why not?

because, I am no boyfriend – I don’t have a boyfriend

I don’t plan pregnant(ADJ.)

How tall are you?

I am 160(One sixty) centimeters tall.

I’m not scared to become a leftover woman.

GET (V.) – to become, to change from one thing to another thing.

eg: Yolanda has a job.

eg: Yolanda does not have a job.

eg: Yolanda will get a job, when she moves to  New York.

Become + (N.) = Before, not this thing, Now, this thing.

eg: I will become a teacher next year, after I finish school.

eg: My friend will become a mother next month.


eg: My friend will become a grandmother next month.

eg: I will before a aunt next year. – I will become an aunt next year.

eg: I can’t become an Shanghainese. – I can’t become a Shanghainese.

eg: I can become an American.

Get + (ADJ.) =    Become (ADJ.)

eg: Don’t get angry, but I broke your phone.

eg: It is getting cold outside.


eg: I got hungry because I am not have breakfast. – I got hungry because I didn’t have breakfast.

Get = (N.) = to Have (N.)

eg: I want to get a coffee.

eg: We should get dinner.

eg: My sister will have a baby today, the 22nd in USA still. She got pregnant nine months ago.


eg: I want to get a balenciaga bag.


Plan   (V.)   I plan to     _____ V.

eg: I plan to get pregnant when I’m married.

Plan  (N.)   I have a plan.

V.  +  to  +  V.

A – B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P…..Z

eg: Can you give me a pen?

An – A, E, I, O, U,    (VOWELS)

eg: Do you want an apple?