F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I didn’t even know

they got huge

Do you drink? (Alcohol)

When was the last time…?

I don’t remember because I didn’t get sick for a long time.

I don’t remember when the last time… I got sick was.

I don’t remember when it was.

I don’t remember the last time I argued with him.(IT)

I don’t remember when the last time I ate ice cream was.  (IT)

The last time I went to the gym was a year ago.

THAT:  To describe HOW MUCH, or to WHAT DEGREE.

eg: A. Look at that plane, its so big.    B.  It’s not that big.

eg: I’m not that hungry, so I don’t mind waiting.

eg: I’m not that tired, so we can stay out until 3. (GO OUT, STAY, because you’re already OUT)

Percent – %

eg: I don’t know what percent of alcohol is in beer.

peer – a person in your group of friends, co-workers, classmates.

eg: Don’t listen to peer pressure.

intense – to a high degree

eg: The situation is more intense in local areas.

The last time – 1. The previous time     2. The final time

eg: Do you mean recently?   Do you mean the previous time?

eg: Do you mean it will finish?      Do you mean its the final time?

a hangover – the next day you feel terrible after drinking

eg: I’ve never had a hangover, because I’ve never been that drunk.