VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Describe a table at your house. What is on the table? Describe each thing.


vocabulary – ci hui – “voe cab you lair ree”
eg. my vocabulary is very small

grammar – yu fa – “gra mar”
eg. my grammar is very bad

pronunciation – fa yin – “pro nun see yay shen”
eg. my pronunciation is a little Chinese

review – fu xi
eg. I didn’t review all of the words

word = dan ci

sentence = ju zi

house = fang zi

Today I bought….
I have bought….

my / mine / myself 
eg. you are my teacher and I am your student / this pen is my pen
eg2. this pen is mine.
eg3. I took the pen myself 

I run quickly

your / yours / yourself
eg. I am your teacher / the pen is your pen
eg2. the pen is yours
eg3. you took the pen yourself

Speaking exercise

i have bought my sons favourite sushi for lunch today. i asked myself what can i study here. i must always learn because we learn language to communicate ideas and I like learning English. It’s time for me to change my hair style and my life.

I got up at 7AM in the morning today. I studied my English notes at 8AM for about 1 hour and then I ate congee for breakfast.