F2F Class Notes (Tony)


trojan – a kind of virus that is disguised as another kind of file.

disguise – to make one thing look like something else, pretend to be sth else.

malware – harmful software, like a virus

spyware – software that can track your habits

ransomware – software that locks up your computer until you pay a ransom to unlock it.

inclined to – of the mind of will, a liking or preference

eg: He was inclined to stay

tendency – what someone will usually do

eg: He had a tendency to stay.

hub – a center around which other things revolve or from which they radiate; a focus of activity, authority, commerce, transportation, etc.

eg: Shanghai is an international trade and economic hub.

kiosk/ Stand – any freestanding structure, that is small and sometimes temporary.

eg: Shanghai has tons of magazine stands.

eg: Hot dog stands seem common, but actually they are not.