F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

William is my best friend and he is friendly to and he dot fight or shout and always shares yummy food to our class the whole class love william and dot cri or to be angry he always happy and he have a big smile.

William is my best friend and he is friendly and he doesn’t fight or shout and always shares yummy food with our class. the whole class loves William because he doesn’t cry or be angry. He is always happy and he has a big smile.


I do / he does
we do / she does
they do / it does
you do / Jesse does


cry = ku

block – to stop an attack
eg. we used blind on him but he blocked it

immune – they can’t get hurt by something
eg. he is immune to stun = he can’t be stunned
eg2. he is immune to burn = he can’t be burned