F2F Class Notes September 30th (Ben) – [Cheryl]

a pirate 海盗
the Caribbean
Everyone knows everyone.
an island 岛屿
a flag 旗子
sand 沙
We are independent.
depend on 依靠
Children depend on parents.
170,000 = 170 thousand
1,000 = thousand
My country has 170,000 people.
I go to yoga twice a week.
once, twice, 3 times
a language  语言
Can you speak Shanghainese?
Chinese = 中文
Shanghainese = 上海话
more / less
more expensive 比较贵, less expensive 比较便宜
more difficult, less difficult
Shanghainese is more difficult than Chinese.
a novel = 小说
I like to read novels. I read Chinese novels, which I read twice a week.
I work in an office. I don’t like my job. My dream is to be a fashion designer. I want to be a fashion designer in China.
I learn English because I want to find a better job in the future.
buy / bought / bought
I bought these clothes at Uniqlo.
I bought this T-shirt at Uniqlo.