F2F Class Notes October 5th (Ben)

I see that you read the ad.

an ad 启事

a special connection = a good relationship

We all get along very well with our current roommate, but not with his girlfriend

Are you renting a room or an apartment?

They let you down
What are the qualities of a good roommate?
He was cool, relaxed, laid back, outgoing and easygoing

Initially 原来

I told him I initially didn’t want any couples, but that I would make an exception for him because he was now my friend

At first, the girlfriend was supposed to stay for just 2 weeks

But she ended up staying for more than a year and a half
Also, she was everything but a teamplayer
everything but = really not
I am a good guy, I am everything but bad

laid back = relaxed = easygoing = 放松的

outgoing = social, talkative