F2F Class Notes November 3rd (Ben)

How was today ?

assist / assisted / assisted
I assisted my manager to do an experiment. He needed my help.

succeed 成功
fail 失败

Did the experiment succeed or fail ?
It succeeded.

Congratulations ! =Good job ! 恭喜你

目标 a target
succeed 成功
fail 失败

Did the experiment succeed or fail ?

When can you say “congratulations”?
You can say congratulations….
– when an experiment succeeds
– when you achieve your target
– when you win a game / match
– when you have a child
– when you get a new job

双胞胎 twins

How old is he?
He is about 32 years old.

Having twins is a major success.
Having no rest is a major problem.

a course 课程
At SE, we have courses in English.

必须的 required
If you want to succeed, working hard is required.

major =
1. big
a major problem = a big problem
2. 专业
My major was optics.

Failing your major is a major problem.

I can help you buy medicine, because my major was medicine.

medical = 医学的
I work in the medical world. 我是在医学世界里工作的。
I have a medical problem. 我有健康的问题。

吃药 to take medicine
If you have a medical problem, you should take medicine.


manager = MA – nager
experiment = ex – PE -riment
one child, two children