F2F Class Notes 3rd November (Tony)

This is a company from Taiwan – This is a Taiwanese(adj) company(n)

curator – person who organizes exhibits. eg: “I’m kinda like the in-house curator.”

We reserve the plaza space for exhibitions. 

on  the art team

adapt – to change to fit your surroundings eg “How can you adapt to a job that uses English mainly?”

I think the Taiwanese company compared to the Hong Kong has a different management style.

They react very quickly.

erratic – kind of crazy and fast eg: “They are acting erratically.”

I am under a lot of pressure.

clerk – shop worker eg: “The clerks are very impatient.”

protest – gathering of public display of unhappiness with the situation eg: “Protests are very common in Hong Kong, even against tourists buying out the stock of local products.”

rough around the edges – more direct and rude, not as civilized eg: “People from Henan can be a little rough around the edges.”

look down on someone – to act like you are better than someone eg: “My boss often looks down on people.”