F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


obstacle (n): 1- something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult.
E.g.: The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.

hostage (n): 1-someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do what the enemy wants:
E.g.: The terrorists have seized 20 hostages and are threatening to kill one a day unless their demands are met.

rebel (n): 1-a person who does not like rules or authority, and shows this by behaving differently from most people in society: 2-a person who is opposed to the political system in their country and tries to change it using force.
E.g.1: He was a rebel when he was a teenager and dyed his hair pink.
E.g.2: The rebels took over the capital and set up a new government.

rebel (v): 1-to refuse to obey rules or people in authority. 2-to react against a feeling, action, plan, etc.
E.g.1: Jacob rebelled against his parents’ plans for him and left school at the age of 16.
E.g.2: My poor sick stomach rebelled at the idea of any more food.

inspect (v): 1– to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about their quality or condition. 2-to officially visit a place or a group of people in order to check that everything is correct and legal.
E.g.1: She held the bank note up to the light and inspected it carefully.
E.g.2: An official from the Department of Health will be inspecting the restaurant this afternoon.

inspector (n): 1-someone whose job is to officially inspect something:
E.g.: The inspector said that standards at the school had to be raised.
E.g.: It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.