Email Service Notes (Celeste)***

Writing exercise

Itā€™s a real shame that
A: Iā€™m gonna break up with Steven.
B: Itā€™s a real shame that you donā€™t like him. Not only can he sing, but he can also dance.
A: Heā€™s nice and talented. I, however, donā€™t feel the thing. I donā€™t think heā€™s the right one. Can I leave him a message?
B: No, you have to talk to him face to face.
A: Ok. Can I just say he should rid himself of smoking, but he couldnā€™t , thatā€™s why I have to break up with him?
B: No, you should tell him the truthā€¦ or maybe you can say that he deserves someone better. Do you think itā€™s too cliched?
A: No. Cliche is cliche for a reason. Itā€™s comforting.He is a man of principle, I respect him.
B: Yes, but you expect nothing of him.
A: He believes in: in a place where there is a will, there is a way.
B: Yes, but you donā€™t love him.
A: Iā€™m so worried about the fact that breaking up with him doesnā€™t mean I can find my Mr. Right.
B: Remember this: in a place where there is a wish, thereā€™s a way.


Itā€™s a real shame that
A: Iā€™m gonna break up with Steven.
B: Itā€™s a real shame that you donā€™t like him. Not only can he sing, but he can also dance.
A: Heā€™s nice and talented. I, however, donā€™t feelĀ a thing / it / the magic. I donā€™t think heā€™s the right one. Can I justĀ leave him a message?
B: No, you have to talk to him face to face.
A: Ok. Can I just say he should haveĀ quitĀ smoking, but he couldnā€™t, soĀ thatā€™s why I have to break up with him?
B: No, you should tell him the truthā€¦ or maybe you can say that he deserves someone better. Do you think itā€™s too cliched?
A: No. Cliche is cliche for a reason. Itā€™s comforting. He is a man of principle, I respect him.
B: Yes, but you expect nothing of him.
A: He believes in: in a place where there is a will, there is a way.
B: Yes, but you donā€™t love him.
A: Iā€™m so worried about the fact that breaking up with him doesnā€™t mean I can find my Mr. Right.***what does this mean?
B: Remember this: in a place where there is a wish, thereā€™s a way.