F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


maritime (adj): 1-connected with human activity at sea:
E.g.: Amalfi and Venice were important maritime powers.
E.g.: Make sure you visit the maritime museum if you’re interested in anything to do with ships or seafaring.

nomad (n): 1-a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time:
E.g.: a tribe of Somalian desert nomads

nomadic (adj): 1-
E.g.: nomadic people/herdsmen
E.g.: a nomadic life/existence

mortal (adj): 1-(of living things, especially people) unable to continue living for ever; having to die:
E.g.: For all men are mortal.

imortal (adj): 1- living or lasting for ever:
E.g.: immortal God
E.g.: The priest said he was endangering his immortal soul.

strait (n): 1- a narrow area of sea that connects two larger areas of sea:
E.g.: the Straits of Gibraltar