F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


Deteriorate (v): 1- to become worse:
E.g.: She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.
E.g.: The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly.

Cross sb’s mind- If something crosses your mind, you think of it:
E.g.: It crossed my mind yesterday that you must be short of staff.
E.g.: It never once crossed my mind that she might be unhappy.

Flawed (adj): 1- having or containing one or more faults, mistakes, or weaknesses.
E.g.: (badly/deeply/seriously flawed) These results were the outcome of a process that seems to have been deeply flawed.
E.g.: Don’t rush to another flawed conclusion.
E.g.: The system is not just broken but fundamentally flawed.

Commendable (adj): 1- deserving praise.
E.g.: commendable efforts/behavior/bravery

Fundamental (adj): 1- 基本的, forming the base, from which everything else develops.
E.g.: We need to make fundamental changes to the way in which we treat our environment.
E.g.: It’s one of the fundamental differences between men and women.
2- more important than anything else:
E.g.: Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.

Tackle (v): 1-to try to deal with something or someone.
E.g.: There are many ways of tackling this problem.
E.g.: I tackled him about his careless work



This reveals that after several decades of steady improvement, the situation in sub-Saharan Africa has deteriorated every years since 1984. Despite this, it seems never to cross the minds of the world’s financial ministers that theoretical basis for the global economic revolution of the past three decades might be fatally flawed.

The forces that cause deepening poverty in poor countries are also at work in the rich. This is why Labour’s commendable targets for reducing child poverty have been so difficult to achieve. Poverty in the developing world can be successfully tackled only by removing its root causes. This requires us to return to economic first principles and to look to the founding fathers of worldly philosophy. It was clear to Adam Smith that any philosophy for a fair society needed to acknowledge the economic forces that determine the distribution of economic opportunities and therefore wealth.

It was Simth’s near contemporary David Ricardo who made explicit what becoming obvious: if the ownership of land and natural resource is grossly unequal, then wealth and well-being will be the privilege of the minority. And as the economy develops and more wealth is created, the gap between rich and poor will widen. This is an inescapable conclusion of classical economic theory, and although the world has moved on since Ricardo’s day ,the fundamental remain the same.


Acknowledge: /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/