F2F Class Notes (Nemo)



used (adj): 1-that has already been put to the purpose it was intended for; not new:
E.g.:a used airline ticket
E.g.:I could only afford a used car (= one that has already been owned by others).


convenient store-便利店

forbid (v):present participle forbidding, past tense forbade, past participle forbidden-禁止, to refuse to allow something, especially officially, or to prevent a particular plan of action by making it impossible:
E.g.:The law forbids the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 16.
E.g.: He is forbidden from leaving the country.

afford (v)-买得起; to be able to buy or do something because you have enough money or time:
E.g.: I don’t know how he can afford a new car on his salary.
E.g.: Few people are able to afford cars like that.
can’t afford


it can always be better, but I’m satisfied and don’t complain


**********100-one hundred
********1.000-one thousand
*******10.000-ten thousand
******100.000- one hundred thousand
****1.000.000-one million
***10.000.000- ten million
**100.000.000- one hundred million billion