F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


dedicated (adj): believing that something is very important and giving a lot of time and energy to it:
E.g.: a dedicated father/teacher
E.g.: She’s completely dedicated to her work.

fable (n): 1-a short story that tells a general truth or is only partly based on fact, or literature of this type:
E.g.: the fable of the tortoise and the hare

hare (n): 1-an animal like a large rabbit that can run very fast and has long ears

stew (n): 1-a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid:
E.g.: lamb/bean/fish stew
E.g.: She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.

simmer (v)COOKING: 1- to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature slightly below boiling:
E.g.: Leave the vegetables to simmer for a few minutes.

simmer (v)EMOTIONS: 1- If a disagreement or negative emotion simmers, it grows slowly stronger over a period of time and could become more serious at any moment:
E.g.: She’s been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting.

resent (v): 1- to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like:
E.g.: She bitterly resented her father’s new wife.

dice (v): 1- to cut food into small squares:
E.g.: Peel and dice the potatoes.
E.g.: diced carrots

repel (v): 1-to force something or someone to move away or stop attacking you:
E.g.: This coat has a special surface that repels moisture.
E.g.: The defenders repelled the attack without losing any men.

repellent (n): 1-a substance used to repel something:
E.g.: insect/mosquito repellent

shallot (n): 1-a type of small onion

