F2F Class Notes (Nemo) [R]

I got up at 6:30am. I made my bed at 7 o’clock. I brushed my teeth around 7. I washed my face around 7 o’clock. I left my house to go to work. I cleaned up the yoga studio, washed the glasses, turn on the floor heating , and waited for my students. I taught yoga


finish class. I went ate lunch 11 o’clock. Then I yoga class. Then I went to home. Then I’m ate orange. My phone chong dian. Then I went to here. I see Suzy speaking. I ask Suzy English hao bu hao. Time I read English.

after finishing the class I ate lunch at 11 o’clock. Then I had one more yoga class. After that I went home. At home I ate an orange. I put (plug) my phone to charge the battery. Then I came here. I saw Suzy speaking and I asked Suzy if her English is good or not. It’s the time for me to read some English.


This news is about two children. They are from Russia. They become stranded on a piece of ice. This piece of ice is in a river.
People try to save them, but it is not easy. They call a boat. The boat saves the children. They are fine.

Read more at https://www.newsinlevels.com/products/in-the-middle-of-a-river-level-1/#QbPyJuM8Q1igxB1C.99

one piece-一块-wan pis
battery-η”΅ζ± -beteri
charge the battery-η”΅ζ± ε……η”΅