F2F Class Notes March 6th (Ben)


put on hold 暂停

take one for the team = to sacrifice

a workaholic

positive =/= negative

Workaholics who take one of the team and spend all day working (at the expense of their health) put their life on hold.

look up to = admire, respect

look down on = frowned on, disapproved of

In many companies, working overtime is looked up to, whereas in others it is looked down on.

Writing exercise: where do you stand on work-life balance?

Writing exercise

As far as I see, work-life balance is of critical importance in daily life. Workaholics who always spend their whole day on working at expense of health and life are seen as disorganized and ineffective at work. I like the life effectively planned and not disturbed without any warning. Sometimes I have to take one for the team and put on hold what I am doing which is really upset. Working hard which is useful should be encouraged and looked up to ,but in a critical way. Working overtime is not equal to devoting to work, the former of which is actually looked down on.People who are able to balance their work and life are exactly self-disciplined.

Edited version

The way I see it, a sound work-life balance is of critical importance in daily life. Workaholics who always spend their whole day on working at the expense of their health and life should be seen as disorganized and ineffective at work.

I like a life efficiently planned and that is not disturbed with no warning. Sometimes I have to take one for the team and put what I am doing on hold, which is really upsetting.

Working hard, which is useful, should be encouraged and looked up to, but in a critical way. Working overtime is not always equal to totally devoting yourself to work, the former of which should be looked down on. People who are able to balance their work and life are healthily self-disciplined.

  1. balance 可数名词 –> a, the, 复数, or 谓语 (my, your, his, etc)
  2.  spend time doing
  3. at the expense of
  4. the = 特定 – everyone knows which one
  5. Something boring bores you. Something interesting interests you. What makes you upset?
  6. devote something to a goal (your life, your time, your heart, yourself…)

effectively = indeed

I thought he would be late and he effectively was.