F2F Class Notes December 8th (Ben)


look like + sthg / sb

You look like Mr Bean.

I look a lot like my mother (we have the same face, hair, etc).

Twins often look like each other.

look + adjective

You look sad today.

This boy looks clever.

He looks funny = He looks like a funny guy.


direct, directly 直接

In China, we don’t say a baby looks ugly, we say it looks funny. We don’t want to be too direct.

Some things were popular in the past and were done a certain way. There were many old traditions and beliefs in ancient times.

ancient wisdom 远古智慧

entertaining 有趣的

This class was very funny and entertaining.


What kind of music do you like it? –> What kind of music do you like?


a hobby 爱好

a habit 习惯

a hobbit 霍比特人