F2F Class Notes 8th December (Tanya)


suburbs – residential area, usually far away from the centre of the city

e.g. A lot of families live in suburbs.

to decrease – to go down

e.g. The real prices of goods have decreased because of inflation.

social classes – a division of society based on social and economic status

e.g. There’s a big contrast in the different social classes in China.

to distinguish – to show the difference

e.g. Rich people in China like to distinguish themselves from the poorer people. They usually do this by buying super expensive cars and showing them off.

wage – the money you make

e.g. The minimum monthly wage in China is 2000 rmb.

electrical appliances – a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task.

e.g. Fridges and televisions are examples of appliances most people have at home.

arrogance – being too confident

e.g. One of the stereotypes of Americans is that they’re arrogant.

you have to meet me halfway – to compromise

e.g. You have to meet me halfway. I’ll stop chewing with my mouth open, if you stop singing in the shower.


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the level of my life will go down – my quality of life will go down

it has become less worth – the value has decreased