F2F Class Notes December 18th (Ben)


a landlord 房东

a tenant 房客

The landlord rents to the tenant. The tenant rents from the landlord.

let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密

fail 失败

I tried to pretend that I would stay home but my plan failed when my friend called my mom and asked her when I would arrive to her place, thus letting the cat out of the bag. My plan was a failure.

a secret garden = some secrets

I think everyone has a secret garden.

prove = give a proof

If you want to prove that I stole the money, you will need good proof, like a video or a confession.


want something = want to do something

I want an apple = I want to eat an apple.

Imperative = 命令时 = 现在时

Go out, turn left, walk straight, get me a drink and come back. Don’t tell your mom and forget about it.

Yes =

  • OK
  • sure
  • no problem
  • no worries
  • you got it
  • will do
  • hm
  • Roger that !